It is perhaps an interesting note that Ida Rolf, doctor of biology herself, grew up with a father who as a civil engineer built docks and piers on the East coast of USA. Structures and relations; and if you are not already old, as some of us, to have that specific issue with gravity - but instead have ever tried to construct something that is supposed to stand more than 1m tall, and god forbids that it needed to move – than you may imagine how young Ida developed a fascination and interest over a body in gravity, and of a sustainable and movable human structure as a biologist, alongside her father.
Now, it would be a misrepresentation to say that Issac Newton discovered gravity, but what Newton did discover was a functional formula, mathematical law that expresses how gravity forces were proportional to a source mass (M), a target mass (m), and to the inverse of the square of the distance (r2) between the two masses. Through experimentation, he developed the use of Calculus – the scope of Differentiation, Integration, Series, Vectors, Multivariables - all applied in his laws of motion and gravitation, to find the constant of proportionality G, which is called the Universal Gravity Constant. It is something that helped us find our place and time - since the time.
My intention here is not to remind you of secondary, and in some places primary, school subjects like Newton’s laws of motion, but to specifically point out and focus your perception that when we talk about energy or forces – we are talking about mathematics and empirical physics, and not metaphysics. That when we say physics and gravity – we talk about the force field we live in and relate to, which sustains our homeostasis, and - if you by any chance follow global warming issue – it sources a system of constant renewable energy (wind, tidal and water power plants for examples).... And when we talk about mathematics, we talk about functional intention where an effective human being is a whole that is greater than the sum of its parts - as by the power of integration.
Why Newton matters! ... and why Tesla matters.
Gravity is important and Structural Integration relates directly to a fact that our physical form derives from gravity, and that our growth – an intensified time lapse of evolution from an egg to a walking human – sources significant energy from gravity to do so. By efficiently using that energy, we evolved to vertical bipeds freeing our hands and capacities of development. By the movement of the energy from the ground up, through our brains – we increased relative size of our brains; in the way a wave at the end of a whip makes expansion, it makes a sound or cracks the space. We got smart as a whip.

We either use gravity to lift us up – the way a ball will bounce up when just dropped out of the hand, or that we are irreversibly sunk by it. If we would faint right at this moment we would not be an animated or even seated human form but a blob, like a dropped bag of potatoes - and that we use more than 70% of energy we produce from food to maintain our physical form to obtain the animated form – and that therefore there is energy efficiency protocol and distribution of how much do we need to hold in our body and how much is supported by gravity from below - the lift, in relation to what the produced energy needs to contribute. The efficiency of human physiology dismantles our bones and muscles the moment there is no gravity, thereby limiting the duration of astronauts in space. It is the Calculus that brain does!

Tesla matters!
Not much discussed lately, but very much known about him, Nikola Tesla was a very strong and and very agile guy of an athletic gymnastic type. He had a specific way of his approach to his phyisical presence, diet and lifestyle. Tesla lived physics empirically. In June 1900 Nikola Tesla published an article named “The problem of increasing human energy” as he was presenting his first wireless remote controlled automat, first type of drone, defining solutions to the crises of human energy and human society as part of his foreseen approach to the future. In the paper, available online, Tesla discusses the problem by observing energy as a multiplied relation of mass and velocity square (E=1/2mv2 classical mechanics kinetic energy). He demonstrates the exponential (squared) benefits of the changes applied to the components of velocity with aim to increase energy. If the kinetical mechanics of our bodies do not predominate work on the basis of a pneumatic system but by the system of sliding masses, where fascia matters, and poles and leverages – then the reduction of inertia and consequent increase in velocity, comes from the increase of distance in time, which defines speed. Distance is the space that Structural Integration works with within the mass of the human body. An added energy!